Wednesday, August 23, 2017

August 23, 2017: Day 273

It has been 6 days since I last posted.  The days in between postings have been sporadic.  I have been quite busy .  We went to Cascade this past weekend to celebrate the eclipse.  It was a last minute decision.  It seemed foolish not to go to Cascade when we have a place there and we could experience the eclipse in it's totality.  It was well worth the trip.  We enjoyed devoting our entire morning to enjoying the eclipse. Our friends Lisa and Doug and there two kids came up enjoy it with us.  It was really amazing.  I told my daughter that I am committed to "living deeply".  If there is anything that I have learned in the last few months is that life is fleeting and that we need to take advantage of  our opportunities and spend time enjoying life that is what is right in front of us.

Just before leaving on Friday, Doug's new wheelchair arrived in a huge box.  Last night I took the time to figure out how to get the box open (it was from China) and then figured out how to get it out of the box.  Tonight I worked on putting parts of the chair together.  It is now ready to drive.  We were able to get this brand new chair that has bigger wheels on the back that makes it more stable for only $400 with our trade-in. This chair weighs 15 pounds more, but it collapse much more easily.  Hopefully the additional weight won't be too much for me to lift. Tomorrow night I need to figure out how to collapse the old wheelchair and get it into the box to send back.

It seems like everyday I still have quite a list of things that Doug needs help with or has things that need to be one for him.  While he is more independent he still has lots of needs.  I keep trying to encourage him to move more on his own without the wheelchairs, but he is not very sure of himself. Please pray with me for his continued improvement.

And so we pray:

God of constancy and love.  Help us to remember to see you in all things and to be thankful for all that we have in our lives.  Thank you for showing us the miracle of creation in the spectacular alignment of the planets in the eclipse.  We take so much for granite.  But when the planets align, they remind us of the small miracles that we have in our lives each day and we give thanks.  Be with Doug as he continues to heal.  Give him confidence and faith in his continued improvement.  Give him strength for the work that he must do to continue to improve.  In your name we ask it.  Amen.

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