Tuesday, August 15, 2017

August 15, 2017: Day 267

Yesterday, I got back from 3 days at Women's Camp.  Thanks to Dan flying up from San Diego, and staying with his dad, I was able to get away.  And I love being at Paradise Point Episcopal Church Camp on the Payette lake.  I enjoyed friends, kayaked, hiked, had my heart skip a beat on the ropes course swing, ate good food, sang at the campfire, made jewelry, worshipped and spent several hours in silent retreat reflecting on our "hearts desire".  It was wonderful.  Life felt almost "normal".

What does normal mean?  Well for me, it means, I was not holding onto worry or concern for Doug while I was away.  I was doing things that I love doing doing with people I care about. I was following my heart's desire.  I was resting and enjoying the present moment.

So often when we are living our normal lives, we miss the goodness all around us, we get caught up in things that take away our happiness.  I know this, because this has happened to me in my life frequently.  There was a moment, this weekend when sitting on a rock point, looking out at the lake that I noticed how content and relaxed I was.  I was not waiting for the other shoe to drop.  I did not have to worry about rushing home.  I did have to be constantly mindful of my responsibilities. I think I have been on guard, with worry/concern, even when I have not been aware of it.  But not this weekend.

I knew Doug was in good hands, so happy to have his son with him.  And Dan was wonderful with Trixie.  He took her out with him jogging each day, played with her, and cleaned up after her.  She loved him and even decided to sleep with him, her new friend.

And so we pray:

God of Beauty and Grace, we are so grateful for time to refresh and renew.  We are thankful for people and places that warm our hearts and fill us with love and contentment.  We are thankful for the simple things that remind us of who and whose we are.  We are thankful for finding our heart's desire in family, friends and creation. Be with us now as we return to our regular daily life.  Help us to carry with us the contentment we have felt.  As our hearts were filled, help us to hold this feeling as we return to all the challenges we face.  In your name we ask it.  Amen

1 comment:

  1. Eileen, I love these photos from Paradise Point. They capture the spirit of Paradise Point. So glad you had a restorative Women's Retreat.
