Saturday, December 17, 2016

December 17, 2016: + Day 28

Today is the day that I thought could never happen.  Doug continued to deteriorate all day.  His respiration was between 40 and 50.  His heart rate averaged around 140.  His temperature was around 102.  He could not catch his breath.  He was in distress all day.

In talking to his doctors they confirmed that his condition was very serious.  All day it was very frightening.  Doug was somewhat coherent during the day.  He talked very little. He was struggling just to breath.

Our dear friend, Fr. David Wettstein stayed with him for m while for me to go home to shower and take a short nap.  My friend Beveryly Lugo, who is a nurse, came over to support me and help Doug to get the care he needed.  My sister Kate brought me dinner.

But the day was one of the hardest in my life.  I cried off and on all day.  I am so sad.  Doug is struggling so much and I don't know if he can pull through this.

At 7:00 p.m. when the night doctor, came on duty she came in and checked on Doug and decided immediately to intubate (put a tube down his throat) to help him breath.  I was shocked and overwhelmed and upset.   I called my daughter-in-law Corinne for counsel and to ask her to talk to the doctor.  She did and she agreed with the doctor and so I agreed.  But it was incredibly upsetting for me and I am so scared for Doug's life.

Luckily right after getting this news my friends Kim and Mark Bekedahl  were at the door; They were there along with my sister to support me and Doug in  this procedure. Mark is a hospital chaplain and familiar with the procedures.  It was good to have him explain it again to me. They all stayed with us during the procedure.

Doug will be kept in sedation until his body is ready to breath on it's own and he has begun to heal from the infection in his body.  But it is so difficult to see him in this condition.

There is so much more to the story, but I am exhausted and frightened.  Angie my daughter drove over to be with me and is staying the night.  My daughter in law the doctor is flying in tomorrow.

Please, please pray for Doug.

God of Power and Might, God of the Impossible, be with Doug this night. Give him rest.  Heal his body so that he may awake to new life.  And be with us who fear for his life.  Give us confidence in Your goodness and your loving presence in dark times.  In your name we ask it.  Amen


  1. Oh mighty God, please bring
    your healing powers into Doug's ravished body. Grant him peace and rest to allow him to heal. Grant Eileen peace and hope during this struggle.
